
Media Kit Preview
Media Kit
HSR Project Briefing Alignment Maps Preview
High Speed Rail Project Briefing With Alignment Maps


High Desert Corridor (HDC) receives California CEQA clearance for a highway and high-speed rail line.


The Joint Powers Authority at the time supports study of an alternative to the HDC 2016 Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA), Highway Component and decides to focus on first phase as the High-Speed Rail Project of the LPA.


Caltrans declares No Build for the highway portion and with Metro and San Bernardino County Transportation Authority focuses on widening SR18/SR138 as a continuous four-lane highway between the Antelope and Victory valleys.

April 2021

HDC JPA submits Reevaluation petition to Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and Surface Transportation Board (STB) to receive NEPA clearance and receive the Rail Project Record of Decision (ROD/NOD).

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